Commercial and Residential Real Estate Appraisers

Great lakes Appraisal and Consulting, Inc. is an independent, full service real estate appraisal and consulting firm. We have been serving the Northwest Indiana, Northern Illinois, and Chicago market for over 15 years. In Indiana, we provide real estate appraisal services in Porter County, Lake County, Jasper County, and Newton County. In Illinois, our appraisers service Cook County, Lake County, DuPage County, Will County, McHenry County, and Kane County. All of our commercial appraisers and residential appraisers are state certified. We provide well supported valuations in a professional manner. We know that timing can be critical to our customers and we work hard to complete our appraisals as soon as possible. Our clients include Property Owners, Banks, Attorneys, Accountants, Financial Advisors, and many other professionals. All of our appraisal reports are reviewed by our chief appraiser who holds the MAI designation from the Appraisal Institute. If you would like to know more about why you should work with an MAI appraiser please give us a call.